I don't wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest or the girl who never wants to be alone; I don't wanna be there callin' at 4 o'clock in the morning 'cause I'm the only one you know in the world that won't be home. [...] I'm safe up high, nada pode me tocar... mas, por que sinto que a festa acabou? No pain inside; You're my protection. So how do I feel this good sober?
I don't wanna be the girl that has to fill the silence, a quietude me assusta porque escancara a verdade. Please don't tell me that we had that conversation, eu não vou me lembrar, save your breath, 'cos what's the use?
And If I let myself go I'm the only one to blame.
When it's good, then it's good, it's so good 'till it goes bad. Quando é bom, então é bom, é tão bom até se tornar ruim.
Why do I feel this party is over? How do I feel this good sober?
Eu em parceria com P!nk.
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